"This literally takes a few seconds to set up and is totally worth having. It's saved me a few times"
“Love it! Extra cash and I get to meet new people."
"BoroXpress made it super easy to find people in my complex that needed rides to campus at the same time as me. The money I've made has paid for my parking pass easily."
"BoroXpress did a great job of setting up a driver for the evening when I had friends visiting. We had a safe trip and the guys were so nice. They even opened the door!"

"This literally takes a few seconds to set up and is totally worth having."
"It has cut out the back and forth of sharing insights with sponsors. It's a useful tool for any creator."
“Easy to use and effective. I feel better knowing that I'm in control of who can see my data.”

“Love it! It's helped me find new opportunities with some legit brands from all over the world.”